Quiz: Alcohol

Familiarity with traffic rules can, especially the turning rules can help in significantly reducing the number of road accidents. Here are some turning traffic rules that you should always observe while on the road.



Police officers may stop you to check for the influence of alcohol or drugs…?
In any of these circumstances
At random
If you are driving erratically
If you are driving too slowly



Refusing to provide breath/blood/spit or urine samples to police officers is…?
A Criminal Code offence
Your legal right
A misdemeanour not a crime
Not prosecutable



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Scope of Impaired Driving

There are two main categories of impaired driving- driving while under the influence of drugs and driving under the influence of alcohol. If you are driving, and your blood alcohol concentration is 0.08 or higher is a criminal offense, then you should know that you are committing a criminal offense. If your level of drugs is two nanograms, THC per milliliter of blood, then, you are committing an offense. Some drivers are charged for a combination of the two.

Questions in this Quiz:
  • Police officers may stop you to check for the influence of alcohol or drugs…?
  • Refusing to provide breath/blood/spit or urine samples to police officers is…?