Quiz: Ontario Traffic Rules 1

It might be stressful, but there are ways to make things easier for you. You should do perfect preparation, you should know all the rules so that you can be a responsible driver on the road.


When passing a cyclist, drivers of motor vehicles must maintain a minimum distance of:
one metre between the vehicle and the cyclist
two metres between the vehicle and the cyclist
three metres between the vehicle and the cyclist
five metres between the vehicle and the cyclist



What lane of traffic should drivers use when they intend to make a right-hand turn?
The lane closest to the right side of the road
The lane closest to the left side of the road
The lane closest to the center line of the road
The lane approaching from the left



If a signal light changes from green to amber as a driver approaches an intersection, what should the driver do?
Stop. If stop cannot be made safely, proceed with caution
Speed up to clear the intersection as quickly as possible
Maintain current speed and continue through the intersection.
Sound horn to warn pedestrians and other drivers that the vehicle will travel through the intersection.



When driving with headlights on, in what situations are drivers required to use low-beam headlights?
within 150 metres of an oncoming vehicle
within 30 metres of an oncoming vehicle
within 300 metres of an oncoming vehicle
within 50 metres of an oncoming vehicle



When the traffic signal light facing a driver is red and the driver intends to go straight through the intersection, what must the driver do first?
Stop, wait until the light changes to green and the intersection is clear before moving through it
Stop, give pedestrians the right-of-way, then proceed with caution
Stop, proceed when the way is clear
Slow down, proceed when the way is clear



When a streetcar is stopped to take on or discharge passengers where there is no safety zone, what does the law require drivers to do before passing the streetcar?
Stop at least two metres behind the rear doors where passengers are getting on or off
Stop behind the rear of the streetcar, then proceed with caution
Sound horn and pass with caution
Pass on the left side when the way is clear



Upon approaching an intersection marked with a “Yield” sign, you are required to:
Slow down, stop if necessary, and proceed only when the way is clear
Stop, then enter oncoming traffic slowly
Stop, then enter oncoming traffic quickly
Speed up and force their way into oncoming traffic



Legally, who has the right-of-way over all others at an intersection when the light is green?
Pedestrians crossing with the light
Pedestrians crossing against the light
Drivers turning right
Drivers turning left



When lights are required, drivers must use low-beam headlights when following another vehicle within what distance?
within 60 metres
within 30 metres
within 120 metres
within 100 metres



A flashing yellow beacon above an intersection means what?
Warns drivers to proceed with caution
Requires drivers to stop if making a right turn
Permits drivers to continue at the same speed
Requires drivers to stop if making a left turn



A flashing red beacon above an intersection means what?
Drivers must come to a complete stop and move through the intersection only when it is safe to do so
Slow down and drive with increased caution
Slow down and if necessary yield right-of-way to vehicles approaching from the left or right
Signal light is out of order, proceed with caution



When a right turn against a red signal light is permitted, what does the law require drivers to do before entering the intersection and making the turn?
Come to a complete stop, wait until the way is clear, and proceed when it is safe to do so.
Slow down and proceed with caution
Stop, then edge into traffic
Slow down, signal and turn



Is the driver responsible for passengers wearing seat belts?
Only if the passengers are under 16 years of age
Only if the passengers are over 16 years of age
Only if the passengers are in the front seat
Only if the passengers are in the back seat



In Ontario, there is a seat belt law
Only when driving on an open highway
Only when driving within a municipality



Why must a vehicle undergo emission testing?
All answers are correct
Because the vehicle registration needs to be renewed
Because the vehicle is past a certain age
Because the vehicle may be grossly polluting the environment



If a driver is caught driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) from —————-, the police can immediately suspend the driver’s license up to three days for a first occurrence.
0.05 to 0.08
0.08 to 0.10
0.07 to 0.08
0.08 to 0.18



If an emergency vehicle with lights on and sirens sounding is travelling on a street that allows for two-way traffic, what does the law require drivers to do?
Pull to the right as far as possible and stop
Speed up and get out of the way
Signal the driver to pass
Continue at the same speed



On a roadway where traffic is moving in both directions, in what lane must a driver be before making a left turn?
The lane immediately to the right of the center line of the roadway
The lane closest to the right-hand side of the roadway
The lane closest to the left-hand side of the roadway
The lane does not matter provided the driver signals



In what lane must drivers be before making a left turn from a one-way street?
In the lane closest to the left-hand side of the roadway
In the lane closest to the right-hand side of the roadway
In the lane closest to the center line of the roadway
The lane does not matter provided the driver signals



When arriving at an intersection which has no stop line, crosswalk, or sidewalk, where must drivers stop?
At the edge of the intersection
Right beside the stop sign
Right before the stop sign
A little into the intersection



When towing a trailer or boat, the driver of a motor vehicle is not permitted to carry the following in the trailer or boat:
Flammable materials
Camping equipment



When entering a highway from an entrance ramp, you should…?
Signal, increase speed and merge smoothly with traffic
Stop on the acceleration lane, wait for an opening, and then enter the freeway rapidly
Slow down, then enter the freeway at a sharp angle
Drive slowly and be prepared to stop for freeway traffic



A person whose driver’s licence is under suspension, may
not operate a motor vehicle under any circumstance
operate a motor vehicle in the case of an extreme emergency
operate a motor vehicle to and from work
operate a motor vehicle when accompanied by a licensed driver



When does the law require lights on vehicles to be turned on?
Between half an hour before sunset to half an hour after sunrise and at any other time visibility is not clear for a distance of 150m
Between sunset and sunrise
Between sunset and sunrise as well as any other time visibility is not clear for a distance of 150m
No specified time



If two vehicles arrive at an uncontrolled intersection (no traffic light, stop sign, or yield sign), at approximately the same time, the right-of-way should be given to:
The vehicle approaching from the right
The vehicle approaching from the left
Neither one
The one moving faster



When a police officer signals a driver to pull the vehicle over:
The driver must slow down, pull over as far to the right as safely possible and come to a complete stop
The driver must slow down, pull over as far to the left as safely possible and come to a complete stop
The driver must slow down and stop the vehicle in the driving lane it has been using
The driver must continue driving until the nearest parking lot, signal, pull into the parking lot, and stop



Why must drivers use signals when turning?
All answers are correct
To notify oncoming traffic of their intention
To notify drivers behind them of their intention
To notify pedestrians of their intention



Where there are no posted speed limits, the maximum speed in cities, towns and villages is:



When it is safe to do so, passing other vehicles on the right side
Is permitted when the street or highway has two or more lanes for traffic in the direction the vehicle is traveling.
Is permitted at any time on any street or highway
Is permitted providing it is possible to do so by driving on the shoulder of the road
Is not permitted under any circumstance



Upon approaching a stop sign, what does the law require drivers to do before entering the intersection?
Stop, and when it is safe to do so, proceed
Slow down, sound horn and proceed
Slow down and if the way is clear, proceed
Stop, sound horn, then proceed



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G1 Driving Test Success: Why Knowing the Rules of the Road is Important

Did you know that there are traffic rules for a reason? If everyone followed the same traffic rules, it would be much simpler to get around on the roads. Unfortunately, not everyone follows the rules, leading to accidents and chaos. That’s why it’s important for everyone – including those preparing to take their written driving test – to know the traffic rules. Let’s discuss some of the most important traffic rules and why they exist. Stay safe on the roads!

Why You Need to Know the Rules of the Road?

If you’re like most people, you probably dread taking tests. You memorize formulas and concepts only to forget them once the test is over. But what if there were a test where remembering the material improved your life? The G1 Driving test is one of those rare exams where retaining the information is crucial to success both on the road and on the test. Here are several reasons why it is important that you know the rules of the road before taking your written test. Try our free G1 practice test to learn more about traffic and road rules in Ontario:

It Will Make You a Safer Driver

First and foremost, understanding the rules of the road will make you a safer driver. Although you may feel comfortable behind the wheel, that doesn’t mean you are following all safe driving rules. By familiarizing yourself with the rules of the road, you can brush up on your safety knowledge and ensure that you follow all the best practices for safe driving.


You’ll Be More Confident

Secondly, knowing the road rules will help you feel more confident when taking your written knowledge test. If you are unsure about a particular rule, you can always ask your driving instructor for clarification. However, if you know the answer to a question before it is even asked, you will be less likely to get nervous and make a mistake.

It Will Help You Avoid Fines

Lastly, understanding the road rules will help you avoid costly traffic violations. You may be subject to a fine on your license if caught breaking a traffic rule. Knowing the rules ahead of time can avoid these penalties and keep your driving record clean.

It Will Help You Pass Your G1 Driving Test

Secondly, knowing the road rules will help you pass your driving test. The written portion of most driving tests covers traffic laws, so you must be familiar with this material before taking your test.

Why Do Traffic Rules Exist?

Now that we’ve discussed some of the reasons why it is important to know the rules of the road, let’s take a look at why traffic rules exist in the first place. Here are a few of the most common reasons:

To Keep Drivers Safe

G1 Driving TestTraffic rules play an essential role in keeping drivers safe on the road. They are designed to ensure that all vehicles follow a prescribed course while encouraging and regulating safe driving practices. For example, traffic lights indicate which lanes of travel are open and guide pedestrians as they cross the street. Similarly, signs along the road alert drivers to upcoming obstacles and hazards, allowing them to adjust their speed and course accordingly. By following these basic rules, drivers can avoid collisions and accidents, ensuring their safety and those around them. In short, traffic rules exist to help keep drivers safe on the road and should be followed at all times.

To Keep Pedestrians and Cyclists Safe

There are many reasons why we have traffic rules and regulations. While they primarily exist to keep cars, trucks, and other vehicles safely and efficiently navigating the roads, they also play an important role in protecting pedestrians and cyclists. Without traffic laws to set clear guidelines for the use of public spaces, people on foot or on bikes would be at risk of being hit by passing cars. Likewise, motor vehicles would often be forced to weave through crowded streets to get around larger groups of pedestrians.


They Help Keep the Traffic Moving

By imposing certain restrictions on drivers, such as speed limits and signal turn requirements, they help prevent situations that could lead to gridlock or accidents. Moreover, they ensure fairness among drivers by establishing clear guidelines for how each person should behave while on the road. With clear rules in place, motorists can avoid confusion or ambiguity and focus their efforts on driving safely and responsibly. Altogether, these factors make traffic rules an essential part of any modern transportation system and critical to keeping everyone on the road safe.

To Conserve Resources

Additionally, many traffic rules exist because they conserve precious resources like gasoline and energy. For instance, idling your car wastes fuel and emits harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Similarly, creeping along in start-and-stop stoplight patterns essentially undoes your engine’s hard work by requiring you to continually re-start your car instead of allowing it to idle freely at cruising speeds. In light of these facts, it is clear that obeying traffic rules can not only save your own life but also help to conserve natural resources for future generations to enjoy. So next time you’re tempted to break a rule or disregard a posted sign on the roadways, remember why these measures have been put in place to protect you and everyone else around you.

They Keep You from Getting Lost

Traffic rules exist for a reason. While many people may view them as a nuisance or an unnecessary formality, they serve a very important purpose: They keep us from getting lost and disoriented on the road. First and foremost, traffic rules dictate where we should be on the road at any given time – whether in our lane, around other vehicles, or along the shoulder. By setting these guidelines and abiding by them, we become more adept at navigating our way around complex road networks and are less likely to find ourselves uncertain about where to go.

In addition, traffic rules also help to keep us oriented by providing landmarks and reference points along the way. For example, stop signs and yield signs serve as visual cues that let us know we are approaching an intersection, while streetlights provide a consistent light source to guide us through dark or foggy conditions. Following these basic guidelines can avoid becoming lost or disoriented while on the road.


Knowing the rules of the road is important for several reasons: it helps keep you safe, helps you avoid tickets, and it shows that you’re responsible. If you’re getting ready to take your written G1 driving test, make sure to brush up on the rules so that you can ace it!