Quiz: Sharing the road with motorcycles

There is no better way than knowing if you’re ready for the actual Ontario G1 test than doing a practice test. Everything that the examiner will look for during the test has been highlighted in the MTO  Driver Manual; so the practice test shouldn’t be complicated.



Motorcycles are harder to see because…?
They are smaller
They are faster
They are darker
They are slower



When you see a motorcycle signalling, you should…?
Treat it with caution
Ignore it
Assume it is definitely turning
Assume the rider has forgotten to cancel the signal



Motorcycles can use…?
The whole lane
The left of the lane
The right of the lane
The middle of the lane



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Sharing the road with motorcycles

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Six Tips to Share the Road With Motorcycles Safely

Motorcycles are a popular way to get around, especially in warm weather. While they can be a lot of fun to ride, it is essential to remember that they can be dangerous for both the motorcycle rider and drivers of other vehicles. Below are six tips for sharing the road with motorcycles safely.


Be aware of blind spots

The blind spots on a car are the areas you can’t see when looking ahead. They can be dangerous for motorcycles because it’s hard for them to be seen in those spots. When changing lanes, make sure to check your mirrors and blind spot before switching over. If there is a motorcycle in your blind spot, wait until it’s safe to move over.


Be extra cautious in bad weather

Share the Road With Motorcycles Bad weather conditions can be difficult for any driver, but they are particularly dangerous to motorcyclists. You should be extra cautious when driving in rainy and snowy conditions.

Driving on a wet road surface reduces your traction and increases the risk of losing control of your vehicle or hydroplaning (skidding along on a film of water). Maintaining control over your car is even more important than usual if there’s a motorcycle nearby.

It will help avoid collisions with the bike or other vehicles you pass by and prevent injuries to others should an accident occur.


Create breathing room

Maintaining a safe distance between you as a car driver and a motorcycle will help avoid accidents. You should always leave plenty of room between your vehicle and any motorcycle as a car driver. This will provide the motorcyclist with enough time and space to manoeuvre in case of an emergency.

When passing a motorcycle, be sure to give them even more room than you would normally allow for another car. Remember: motorcycles are much smaller than cars, so they need more time and space to stop or change direction.

For motorcyclists: remember that drivers often don’t see you. Just because you’re driving defensively doesn’t mean that everyone else on the road is doing the same. Be aware of how close cars are getting to you, and use your mirrors to keep an eye on traffic behind you.


Turn off your high beams

Turning your high beam lights off is one of the simplest ways to avoid blinding a motorcycle rider. The headlights on motorcycles are much smaller and weaker than those on passenger vehicles, so it can be even more dangerous when you shine a bright light into their eyes.

Even if there’s no oncoming traffic around, turn your high beams off at night. You never know when someone will come out from behind a tree or drive over the hill in front of you. It only takes a few seconds for an accident to happen.


Use your turn signals to indicate your intentions

When driving around a motorcycle, you should use your turn signals to indicate your intentions. This will help the motorcyclist see where you are headed and adjust accordingly. Motorcycles have smaller turning radiuses than cars do, so the motorcyclist must have ample room to maneuver safely around corners or sharp turns.

When changing lanes, make sure to check your blind spot for the motorcycle. Because of their smaller size, it can be easy to miss a motorcycle in your blind spot. Be especially careful when pulling out of a driveway or parking lot, as motorcycles often travel much faster than you may expect. Always use your turn signals and take a good look before proceeding.


Be aware of the motorcycle’s speed – they can stop quickly

Being a motorist, you must always be aware of the motorcycle’s speed. Many motorcyclists can stop on a dime, so give them the room they need when they’re approaching. Remember that motorcycles can quickly overtake cars, so don’t be surprised if one zooms by you while driving.

Also, please consider that motorcyclists may have to change lanes more quickly than other drivers due to their smaller size. If you see a motorcycle signaling to change lanes, be sure to give them the room they need.


In conclusion

Motorcycles can be a lot of fun to drive, and they often get less traffic than cars. But motorcycles also come with their own set of safety risks that drivers should know about before sharing the road with them.

To help you share the road safely, above is a list of things to consider when driving near motorcyclists. By following these tips, motorists can help create a safer environment for motorcyclists on the road.