Quiz: Stopping at railway crossings

So you’ve gone through the document process to acquire a driver’s license in Ontario and you’re waiting for the G1 written test? You would have an easier time if you knew what to expect during the G1 test.



Under what circumstances should you try to beat a train across a crossing?
None of these
If it is more than 1 km away
If it is travelling slowly
If the lights/gate have not been activated



The main sign in Ontario indicating a railway crossing is what?
A large white X
A picture of a train
A sign reading “CROSSING”
A large red circle



As you cross railways tracks you should…?
Remain in the same gear
Shift to a lower gear
Shift to a higher gear
Any of these



Approaching a railway crossing, you should…?
All of these
Slow down
Look for trains
Listen for trains



Even if no train is coming, buses and public vehicles have to stop at…?
Unmarked crossings
Crossings with lights only
Crossings with signs only
All of these



If you get stuck on a railway crossing, you should…?
Evacuate your vehicle immediately
Stay with your vehicle
Stand in front of your vehicle
Attempt to push the vehicle off



At a crossing with signal lights, you should not proceed until…?
The lights are turned off
The train has passed
The train has passed at least a minute ago
You are sure you can beat the train



Even with emergency brakes, a train can take up to what distance to stop?
2 km
1.5 km
1 km
0.5 km



Even if no train is coming, school buses have to stop at…?
All of these
Railway crossings with lights
Railway crossings with gates
Unmarked railway crossings



If a train is approaching a crossing, you must stop a minimum of what distance from the nearest rail or the gate?



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Stopping at railway crossings

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Do's and Don'ts of Railroad Crossings For Drivers

Railroad crossings are a big concern for the public. Various rules and regulations need to be followed when crossing the railway lines. However, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to crossing railroad tracks safely – everyone has their safety methods. The ideal way is to familiarize yourself with the do’s and don’ts railroad crossings so you know what you should do when you get there.

Don’t Cross When the Lights Are Red

Crossing gate sensors are installed at railway crossings to detect when a vehicle is approaching and triggers a warning light. These sensors can be tripped by cars, bicycles, pedestrians, and even animals.

While you might not see the sensor from your car, there are many other ways that you can avoid getting hit by the sensor. Some of them include:

  • Don’t cross when the lights are red
  • Slow down before reaching the crossing
  • Stop and wait for the gate to open

Don’t Stop for a Train

Railroad Crossings Railroad crossings are marked with yellow lights and crossing gates that prevent people from crossing the tracks when they are red. You should stop at least 15 feet before a railroad crossing and look for these signs when driving.

If you see a flashing yellow light or gate, it means that there is a train approaching, and it is your responsibility to get off the tracks as soon as possible.

The time you should wait before crossing a railroad track depends on the train’s speed, your speed relative to the train, and whether or not there are any trains in sight. A few seconds can be enough to make all the difference between life and death.

If trains are stopped or moving slowly, you can cross safely. Be mindful of which direction they are headed in. Ensure there are no oncoming train cars that may block you from exiting the tracks when you are done crossing. Once across, make sure to look back for trains coming your way.

Do Keep an Eye Out for Shifting Tracks

A railway crossing is where trains and road vehicles share the same track. If a train approaches a railway crossing, it will automatically stop when it reaches the crossing. However, if you are driving on the road, you must stop your vehicle before reaching the crossing.

A grade-separated railroad is an arrangement of tracks where no level crossings exist. That means that trains cannot collide with cars or pedestrians at grade crossings because they can go around them instead of stopping at them. Keep an eye out for shifting tracks and use your horn to warn approaching trains before you reach a grade-separated railroad crossing.

The railroad crossings are some of the most dangerous places for drivers. They must know what to do if they happen to be stopped at a railroad crossing while driving. To avoid accidents, drivers should always ensure that the gates are down and wait for the train before proceeding. If not, it is better to wait until the train has passed before driving through. The driver should also ensure that they have enough time and space to stop if necessary. As a driver, you should be aware of their surroundings when driving on a railroad crossing and monitor anything unusual or out of place.