Quiz: While driving

Under the laws of Ontario, every person must be licensed to operate a motor vehicle upon public streets and roadways. Take our free G1 practice test now!



Driving at high speed, you can improve fuel efficiency by…?
All of these
Closing windows
Removing roof racks
Not carrying heavy objects



Driving at low speed, it is more fuel efficient to…?
Use windows to let air in
Use vents to let air in
Use windows and vents to let air in
Use the air conditioning



You should turn off your engine if you have to stop for more than…?
10 seconds
30 seconds
1 minute
5 minutes



Driving over the speed limit…?
Increases fuel consumption
Decreases fuel consumption
Makes no difference to fuel consumption
Any of these



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Things To Keep In Mind While Driving

  • While DrivingDon’t start your car without any reason. A large number of pollutants are emitted once a cold engine is turned on.
  • Remember turning off your vehicle when parking for a period of more than ten seconds. Do this even in the cold weather as engines tend to warm up in just thirty seconds.
  • Don’t cross the speed limits. When you are driving at high speed your vehicle uses up more fuel and also puts you at risk of meeting an accident.
  • While driving on the freeway utilize the cruise control and overdrive gears for superior fuel efficiency.
  • Get rid of all the unwanted weight off your vehicle like now, winter salt or sand and heavy baggage.
  • Your vehicle’s aerodynamics should be maintained. Get rid of all the compartments and roof racks that are not in use. When you are at a high speed you should use the vents rather than your windows.
  • Utilize the air conditioning very wisely. Utilize the vents and windows at stop-and-go traffic and the city. When at a high speed utilizing the AC is better as it is fuel-efficient.
  • Don’t try filling the fuel tank to the brim as spilled fuel tends to release hazardous vapours.