Quiz: Yielding the right-of-way

You may need to schedule the G1 written test a few weeks before the date you want to take it. Scheduling weeks before the test ensures that you have enough time to prepare for the written test.



Which of these have right of way over vehicles?
All of them
Pedestrians on crossovers
Children on school crossings
Children on school crossings with guards



Joining the highway from the driveway or private road, who has right of way?
All of these
Cyclists on the highway
Vehicles on the highway
Pedestrians on the sidewalk



Vehicles waiting to turn left or right must yield right of way to…?
All of these
Oncoming traffic



At an uncontrolled intersection, which vehicle has right of way?
The one that arrives there first
The one that arrives there last
The one going fastest
The one going slowest



Which of these ensures your right of way?
None of them
Making a turn signal
Sounding your horn
Revving your engine



When an intersection has a stop sign on every corner, which vehicle has the right of way?
The one that stops first
The one that slows first
The one that is going fastest
The largest one



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Yielding the right-of-way

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Traffic Rules: What Does Yielding the Right of Way Mean?

Once you have passed your driving test you can’t control your excitement. With the excitement, there is also a feeling of being anxious as you will have to drive on your own sometimes. You will have to follow all the traffic rules. The major mistakes made by new drives occur mostly at an intersection. This article is going to explain the Right of Way so that you make no mistakes at an intersection.

Meaning of Yielding the Right of Way

You will sometimes have to yield the right of way which means that you will have to let the other drive proceed before you. This is a simple traffic rule to avoid accidents. You will have to follow the below-mentioned rules.

Intersection without Traffic Lights

When you are at an intersection that has no lights or signs then you should follow the right-of-way with a vehicle that approaches before you do. In case both of you reach at the same time the vehicle on the right side will get the right of way.

Intersection with Corner Stop Signs

When you reach such an intersection then the vehicle that comes to a complete halt is supposed to get the right of way. In case 2 vehicles halt at the same time the right one gets the right of way.

The intersection where you can turn left or right

Yielding the Right of Way When you are taking a right or a left turn at an intersection you should follow the right of way. In case you want to turn left then you will have to wait for the approaching vehicles to turn or pass and also for the pedestrians crossing the road. In case you want to take a right turn, you will have to wait till the pedestrians have crossed the road. Checking your blind spot for any cyclist coming from behind especially when you have a line, trail or sidewalk to your right is very important. A yield sign indicates that you should stop or slow down and follow the right of way to the approaching traffic when at an intersection.

Entering Via a Driveway or Private Road

In case you enter into the road via your driveway or a private road then you will have to give the vehicles already on the road the right of way and also to the pedestrians crossing the road or walking on the sidewalk.

Pedestrian Crossovers

You have to give the pedestrians the right of way until they have fully crossed the road when on or near a pedestrian crossover. You have to be extra careful when it comes to crossovers near schools as there are many people there.


Keep in mind that even if you receive a signal of a right of way you should not be hasty. Make sure to check the road if it really is clear or not to avoid any kind of accident. Now you know how to yield a right of way. Keep all the instructions in your mind and drive safe!